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Aug 26 – 30, 2024
The Couvent des Jacobins
Europe/Paris timezone

Impact of saline water Irrigation and biostimulant use on growth and phytocannabinoid profiles in fiber hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)

Aug 27, 2024, 11:20 AM
La Nef (Ground floor) (The Couvent des Jacobins)

La Nef (Ground floor)

The Couvent des Jacobins

Rennes, France


Nunzio Fiorentino (University of Naples, Department of Agricultural Sciences)


Soil salinity affects more than 935 million hectares globally, especially in arid and semi-arid areas, and represents over 20% of the world's irrigated territories. Intensified by climate change — through higher evaporation rates, changes in precipitation, and sea-level rise — and human activities such as the overuse of fertilizers and unsuitable farming techniques, soil salinity presents a substantial challenge to both the environment and agriculture (Elmeknassi et al., 2022).
The increasing issue of saline soils, leading to challenges such as drought stress, ion toxicity, and hormonal imbalances, highlights the need for salt-tolerant crop systems (Akram et al., 2021). Salinity affects crops differently, depending on exposure duration, salt type, and genetic factors. Fiber hemp, with its adaptability to morphological, anatomical, and physiological changes under salt stress, including alterations in xylem vessel lumen (Guerriero et al., 2017), stands out as a viable option. Soil salinity's effect on enhancing secondary metabolites like essential oils and carotenoids (Bernstein et al., 2010) further underscores hemp's versatility. Its capacity to produce varied industrial products from different parts, despite saline conditions, suggests hemp as a sustainable solution for salt-impacted agricultural regions.

The present study examines the effects of saline irrigation on hemp, utilizing NaCl solutions with electrical conductivities (EC) of 2.0, 4.0, and 6.0 dS m-1 (S1, S2, and S3, respectively), against a tap water control (S0). Furthermore, it explores the efficacy of a plant-based biostimulant, specifically a legume protein hydrolysate, in counteracting the adverse impacts of saline irrigation on both crop growth and its phytocannabinoid profile.

Water salinity and biostimulant application significantly impacted on the growth parameters of hemp, without notable interaction between these factors. Freshwater (S0) and low salinity (S1) treatments produced similar biomass yields, averaging 12.6 Mg DW ha-1, aligning with results from other studies (Struik et al., 2000). The highest salinity level (S3) significantly reduced total biomass by nearly half across all plant parts, while moderate salinity (S2) also led to decreased growth, especially in total and leaf biomass. Biostimulants application significantly boosted hemp growth, with total biomass, stems, leaves, and inflorescences increasing by up to 50%, even under salinity stress. Despite the reduction in crop growth by 7%, 30%, and 48% across S1, S2, and S3 salinity treatments respectively, biostimulant application mitigated the adverse effects of salinity, including potential toxicity and nutrient imbalances. Importantly, our analysis reveals that hemp demonstrates a medium-low tolerance to salinity, with less sensitivity to higher EC levels compared to other fiber crops like flax according to data reported in FAO Paper 29.
Collected data unveil the influence of salinity on Cannabis sativa's phytocannabinoid spectrum, with a notable increase in CBD levels under higher salinity conditions and a decrease in other cannabinoids like Δ9-THC. Through PCA and ASCA analyses, it is clear that sample origin and salinity levels significantly shape phytocannabinoid profiles, without any significant interaction among the variables considered.
Our study sheds light on hemp's adaptability to salinity, suggesting that tailored cannabinoid profiling and management strategies can refine hemp varieties for designated uses, from industrial to medicinal. In addition it emphasizes the significance of biostimulants in reinforcing plant resilience and yield.

Akram, N. A., Shafiq, F., Ashraf, M., Iqbal, M., and Ahmad, P. (2021). Advances in salt tolerance of some major fiber crops through classical and advanced biotechnological tools: A Review. J. Plant Growth Regu. 40, 891–905.

Bernstein, N., Gorelick, J., and Koch, S. (2019). Interplay between chemistry and morphology in medical cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.). Ind. Crops Prod. 129, 185–194.

Guerriero, G., Behr, M., Hausman, J. F., and Legay, S. (2017). Textile hemp vs. salinity: Insights from a targeted gene expression analysis. Genes 8, 242.

Elmeknassi, M., Elghali, A., Pereira de Carvalho, H. W., Laamrani, A., and Benzaazoua, M. (2024). A review of organic and inorganic amendments to treat saline-sodic soils: Emphasis on waste valorization for a circular economy approach. Sci. Tot. Environ, 921, 171087.

Struik, P. C., Amaducci, S., Bullard, M. J., Stutterheim, N. C., Venturi, G., and Cromack, H. T. H. (2000). Agronomy of fiber hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) in Europe. Ind. Crops Prod. 11, 107–118.

Keywords abiotic elicitors; bioeffectors; secondary salinization; marginal land; LC-HRMS

Primary authors

Nunzio Fiorentino (University of Naples, Department of Agricultural Sciences) Dr Ida Di Mola (University of Naples, Department of Agricultural Sciences) Dr Ernesto Gargiulo (University of Naples, Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Surgery) Dr Nunzia Iaccarino (University of Naples, Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Surgery) Prof. Carmen Formisano (University of Naples, Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Surgery) Prof. Giuseppina Chianese (University of Naples, Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Surgery)

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