Towards sustainable management of weeds
- Reinhard Neugschwandtner
- Alessandro Triacca
Introduction. Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is a key diversification crop but current pea varieties are not very competitive against weeds. Intercropping pea with cereals is a promising lever to reduce weed infestation and damages. However, past pea varieties were bred for sole crops usually in herbicide-protected fields. They may not be optimal for growing in intercrops with wheat and in the...
Introduction. Intercropping – several species cultivated in the same field for a significant part of their growing periods – is a key lever for weed control. The aim of this study was to evaluate, by simulations with the FLORSYS model, the effects of bispecific legume–cereal intercrops on weed dynamics and their impact on crop production, tested in the absence of nitrogen or water...
1. Introduction
Grain legumes are key species for the agroecological and dietary transitions due to the numerous services they can provide. However, they are known to be weak competitors against weeds leading to unstable yields. For instance, chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is one of the most commonly grown grain legumes worldwide but suffers from major yield losses because of its poor...
1. Introduction
Mechanical weed control is a major element of weed suppression in organic farming systems. In addition to the direct effect on weed growth, mechanical weeding, such as harrowing or hoeing, is known to induce side effects on several soil- and crop-related properties. There is a lack of knowledge regarding the effect of mechanical weeding on soil N dynamics and soil moisture...
Management of perennial weeds has become increasingly difficult with the reduction of herbicide use. Perennials accumulate reserves in belowground storage organs from which they can regenerate new plants after a disturbance. Tillage is a key lever to control perennial weeds because it destroys the aboveground part and fragments the belowground storage organs, stimulating...