Aug 26 – 30, 2024
The Couvent des Jacobins
Europe/Paris timezone

Perennial crops shape the soil microbial community and increase the soil carbon in the upper soil layer

Aug 30, 2024, 11:35 AM
La Nef (Ground floor) (The Couvent des Jacobins)

La Nef (Ground floor)

The Couvent des Jacobins

Rennes, France


Ms Shoujiao Li (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)


Soil biodiversity is threatened by intensive agriculture that relies on annual grain crop production, thus leading to a decline in soil functions and ecosystem services. Perennial grain crops have a positive impact on the soil microbial community, but the responsive microbial groups and the magnitude of their response remain uncertain. To better understand how soil microbial community composition is influenced by different crops and their management, we analysed soil microbial biomass and community composition, bacterial growth and soil total carbon in five cropping systems: organic perennial intermediate wheatgrass (IWG, Thinopyrum intermedium, Kernza®) sole cropping, organic IWG-alfalfa intercropping, organic biennial grass-legume mixtures ley cropping, organic annual wheat or rye cropping and conventional annual wheat cropping. The analysis was carried out at three time points under two growing seasons at four different soil depths. After five years, the IWG sole crop had greater amounts of soil total fungi and bacteria, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, saprotrophic fungi and gram-negative (G-) and gram-positive (G+) bacteria compared to annual wheat. Crop perenniality influenced the soil microbial community structure although precipitation, soil temperature and water content were the main drivers of the patterns and temporal variations of the microbial community assembly. Perennial crops with inherent long-term land cover together with reduced tillage and low nitrogen input management increased the proportions of fungi relative to bacteria, AM fungi to saprotrophic fungi, G- bacteria to G+ bacteria, and the growth rate of total bacteria. This resulted in a more active soil microbial community with higher microbial biomass than annual wheat, which contributed to the increased soil total carbon storage in 0-30 cm soil layer in a Scandinavian climate. The findings emphasize the importance of combining a no tillage strategy with long-term vegetation cover to increase soil quality, which in turn potentially improve the delivery of final ecosystem goods.

Keywords perennial; intermediate wheatgrass; microbial community composition; microbial biomass; soil total carbon; soil depth

Primary author

Ms Shoujiao Li (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)


Dr Ana Barreiro (University of Santiago de Compostela) Dr Juan Almeida (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) Dr Linda-Maria Dimitrova Mårtensson (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) Dr Thomas Prade (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)

Presentation materials