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Aug 26 – 30, 2024
The Couvent des Jacobins
Europe/Paris timezone

Update for yield-based BNF estimation and belowground contribution of faba bean

Not scheduled
Les Dortoirs (1st floor) (The Couvent des Jacobins)

Les Dortoirs (1st floor)

The Couvent des Jacobins

Rennes, France
Poster Synergies between disciplines Poster session #1


Insa Kühling (Kiel University)


Grain legumes (pulses) are interesting parts in sustainable crop rotations due to their ability of biologic nitrogen fixation (BNF). Among them, faba bean has a huge potential to derive nitrogen (N) from the atmosphere (Walley et al. 2007; Liu et al. 2019; Palmero et al. 2022). However, empirical results suggest that they are mostly N self-sufficient when balancing only the aboveground contribution. Throughout the literature there are often cited estimations of large additional N contribution from the belowground part (belowground factor ~1.4). This mostly switches the N balance of faba bean from negative/neutral to surplus in contrast to only accounting the aboveground part, with consequences for the evaluation of rotational effects and/or risk of losses. We critically revised this popular belowground factor and derived an updated yield-based BNF estimation for faba bean.
Materials & Methods
Two datasets were compiled from previously published literature between 1966 and 2023: (1) for assessing the relation of belowground N to total plant N from 42 values reported in 14 primary studies (field and greenhouse experiments) and (2) for assessing the relationship between seed yield and BNF from >300 values reported in 51 primary studies. From this comprehensive data we derived a new belowground factor) and an estimation of seed yield based BNF (aboveground only as well as total including belowground contribution). As a case study this newly derived functions were used to calculate N fixation and N balances from German national statistics data in comparison to the legal framework (German ordinance on nutrient-flow balances, StoffBilV 2017)
Results & Discussion
A critical review of the commonly used belowground factor (1.4) based on our empirical relation between belowground and aboveground N in faba bean plant material reveals a previous overestimation and leads to a smaller factor of 1.15. Applying this new belowground factor together with our comprehensive dataset 2 we found a mean N fixation of 49 kg per Mg faba been seed yield. In terms of N balances, a minimum fixation of 135 kg (2.76 Mg dry matter seed yield) is needed to reach a surplus. Compared to previously derived functional relationships, this assessment is much lower than other results including belowground contributions (Unkovich et al. 2010; Anglade et al. 2015; Palmero et al. 2022). Compared to the legal framework our functional relation results in 15% lower estimations of N fixation and 50% lower N balances from faba bean cultivation across Germany (1999-2023). This leads to a considerable different valuation of faba bean pre-crop and rotational effects in European cropping systems.
Anglade J, Billen G, Garnier J (2015) Relationships for estimating N2 fixation in legumes: Incidence for N balance of legume-based cropping systems in europe. Ecosphere 6:1–24.
Liu L, Knight JD, Lemke RL, Farrell RE (2019) A side-by-side comparison of biological nitrogen fixation and yield of four legume crops. Plant Soil 442:169–182.
Palmero F, Fernandez JA, Garcia FO, et al (2022) A quantitative review into the contributions of biological nitrogen fixation to agricultural systems by grain legumes. Eur J Agron 136:126514.
StoffBilV (2017) Verordnung über den Umgang mit Nährstoffen im Betrieb und betriebliche Stoffstrombilanzen (Stoffstrombilanzverordnung - StoffBilV) vom 14.12.2017. BGBl I 3942
Unkovich MJ, Baldock J, Peoples MB (2010) Prospects and problems of simple linear models for estimating symbiotic N2 fixation by crop and pasture legumes. Plant Soil 329:75–89.
Walley FL, Clayton GW, Miller PR, et al (2007) Nitrogen economy of pulse crop production in the Northern Great Plains. Agron J 99:1710–1718.

Keywords N2 fixation; legumes; pulses; cropping systems; crop rotation

Primary author

Insa Kühling (Kiel University)


Prof. Henning kage (Kiel University)

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